Frozen moments

Our eyes met, after 3 whole months – 91 days to be more precise. Each minute of the past few days had been spent in the memory of one another, feeling happier with every passing day, for, it brought us a day closer to looking into each other’s longing eyes. It was like a mother waiting to see her son in the ocean of faces waiting outside the airport. Impatient. Desperate.

At last, there he was, standing tall amidst the commotion that raged in the surrounding. The whole world that existed around us seemed to blur as we looked into each other’s eyes. I didn’t notice the colour of his dress or the few pounds he had put in. My eyes were drawn by the unstoppable wave of love that emerged from his. His eyes quivered at the sight of mine.

Without hesitation, he grabbed my hand and locked his fingers into mine. Blood gushed into every part of my body and I felt a warmth envelope me like blanket upon a cold kitten. My heart seemed to drop into an endless tunnel with a force that only my heart could withstand. I knew he felt the same, for I could feel his hands shiver as they held me tight.

We made space for ourselves on a comfortable couch that was laid on one corner of the room. The café bloomed with privacy for a place well within the urban city limits. I rested my head on his shoulder as he began to pat and stroke my hair. A sparkling pearl of tear travelled down my lower eyelids and dropped straight on his t-shirt, slowly blotting its destination. He felt the wet warmness of my tears and kissed my forehead.

We didn’t let go of each other’s hand. Like a baby nested on the bosom of its mother, I breathed in the warm air that he breathed out and I felt his heart beat against mine. As he tightened his hold upon my hand, I felt the silent ticking of his wrist watch. I desperately hoped I could have the power to freeze this moment forever. Tears rolled out again, marking a trail of my black kaajal along my pink cheeks.

- Ms. Iyer in love


Is this fate that pulled me to you or is it you who cast the spell?

Is this the blossomed morning rose or your shining eyes that I see?

Is this the song of the breeze or your husky voice?

Is this the sound of twittering birds or your breath?

Is this the whispering of waves or the touch of your silky hair upon my ears?

Is this dew on the grass or droplets of water on your half-shaven beard?

Is this you tickling my hip or just the giggles of your heart?

Is this the heaviness of butterflies on flowers or the touch of your fingertips?

Is this the sweet flavour of air or your flying kiss that landed on my lips?

Is it your heart that you speak or merely stealing words from mine?

Is this the numbness of my heart or the pain of distance?

Is this a test of patience or a mere test of my true love for you?

Is this you that I see in my eyes or a mere reflection of myself?

Is this your love that I feel or the experience of being reborn?

Where have you been all these days?

- Ms Iyer in love.

The Angel

I was not a born atheist. But the literature I read and the media I got exposed to, made me shun my belief in God and celestial objects. All day I believed that god was just a carved piece of stone used by politicians to garner votes and angels were poets’ creations to embellish their loved ones and seduce them.

It all got lost into thin puff of air... the moment my eyes fancied your beauty in saree.

That was the day when I realized that angels were not mere ladies of mythology but indeed real divine creations that were seldom sent by god to walk on the earth. It was in that very instant that a new sense of inevitable truth dawned upon me - that apart from my mother, there could be this one woman who could indeed be beautiful and graceful at the same time. From then on, no other woman could have me as passionately intrigued as you. That was the moment when I realized... that I loved you so much... truly... deeply... and madly.

The little senses that you henceforth left me with, cajole me to accept that love is more of an emotional bonding spiced up with intermittent dosages of physical attraction. But the instant I saw you draped in the saree, the only thought that loomed my mind was to hug you tight, without even a tiny speck of space between us and kiss you gently, closing my eyes. The very thought of your lips pressed against mine sent a warm current of love - the passion generated in my heart, traversing through my body into yours and finding solace in your honey dipped lips.

But for now...the sight of you adorned in a saree... is like manna from heaven.

I don’t know if angels wear saree... but mine certainly does.

- Mr.Iyer in love.

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