Kuch Na Kaho...

P.S: Celebrating first anniversary of our blog :-)

-Mr. & Ms. Iyer in love

One missed call

It wasn't a normal day. We both were smiling and laughing, pulling each others leg, but inside our little hearts (mine in hers and hers in mine), we knew that the clock was ticking. As the time drew nearer, we both turned mum.

It was a Saturday. We shifted all her stuff from one place to another and ate lunch which was filled more with our silence than the random banter associated with it.

Well...needless to say that our stomach was half filled with food and rest with the fear of separation.


We all know how much communication is important for love. Our worse fears came true as she could neither message nor talk unless she sneaks out of house under some pretext. And I could not message her randomly, as I would never know with whom her phone would be at that destined moment. So....it was a wait and watch game.

All through those turbulent days, I kept staring at my mobile phone just for one SMS or one missed call from her...which I did not want to miss. Every time my mobile rung, my heart would skip a beat and I would pick it from my pocket anticipating that the display should show her sweet name (for which I also prayed in those few seconds).

At odd moments, when I felt very very lonely in the office, I used to listen to the song she sung and recorded for me. My theory was that listening to her mellifluous voice would lessen the pain and would make me feel her next to me. On the contrary, it grew worse and I yearned for her one "I love U".

After spending a useless weekend anticipating her call or mail, one day, I was travelling to my office listening to the radio. Donno how DJ's choose songs, but this time, he played a song without me requesting for it. He was playing "New York Nagaram" and I was dumbstruck. I had never listened to that song so closely and I never knew it was so meaningful. I wanted to hug Rahman and tell him what a bloody genius he was.

Its amazing how a simple thing which has been just in front of our eyes for the whole time, gives a whole new different perspective under a different scenario and circumstance.

I fought hard to control my tears. Although my eyes were far from being moist, I could feel my heart bleed and blood trickle down.

Whoever decided that Boys should not cry, may rot in hell.

-Mr. Iyer in love

The journey continues...

It hasn’t been the best of months for either of us. However, as ironical as it may sound, we were both looking forward to this day as much as we were dreading it – the day we would disclose our relationship to our parents. It started on the 11th of May, went on and on, finally deciding to conclude on the 5th of July.

The motive is selfish, said everyone, blinding themselves to the light that glowed at the end of the tunnel and deafening themselves to the melodies that would soon mesmerize them. It makes you wonder if these were the same people whose company you once craved for. It’s amazing how one piece of information can radically change the way people look at you, their opinion and their outlook towards you and every action of yours.

There were a few laughs, a lot more tears than normal to neutralize those laughs you had a few minutes before. Lots of arguments and long periods of silence, giving one another the time to take in the essence of the quarrels. Blame games, as usual, being the highlight.

Simply put – it was like a roller coaster ride, just that you are subjected to one every day. After a few rounds, it no longer remains an excitement. On the other hand, turns into a frustration. At the end of it all, it drives you so crazy that you come to think of it as a way of your life and succumb to accepting it.

The only good thing that everyone managed to do was to make us feel so far away from each other and as a result, drawing us closer in love, bond and commitment.


One of those days, when I was rolled into my bed, not letting an inch of my body to be exposed outside the blanket, thinking of random things and weeping over the pillow, making it warm with my tears so that they would feel like his chest, my mobile buzzed and the sms from him read – “Take care of yourself. You are my world.”

I knew then that nothing was going to take me away from him. Nothing. No one.


-Ms. Iyer in love

P.S.: Mr. Iyer is too busy trying to balance his work and me. :P

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