Happy Birthday!!!

Dear H,

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is probably one of those days that I ought to make super special. Not just because its your birthday, but because, we, together, turn two!!!

As much as our likes has brought us together, these past two years have shown us how diametrically opposite pairs we can be, at times. You are the one who cooks up surprises, sets up treasure hunts on my birthday and floors me with your gifts. I'm sorry to put you down, but I have no such sweet surprises or presents to offer you. I know its not fair, but in my own humble way, I wanted to write down how you have made these two years of my life simply splendid. You could use this testimonial to shut my mouth during our occasional tiffs. ;)

I could pull off this letter with preposterous words and phrases to describe how wonderful these 2 years have been, but no language is good enough to describe certain moments of your life, isn't it? So simpler, the better.

When people say 'better half', I used to think of it more as a metaphor. But I think it truly fits our relationship. You, with no ounce of doubt are indeed my 'better half'. You have been the one who has loved me more, motivated me, jumped with me during our happy times, lent me your (macho man) shoulders during our tough times, stood by me against everyone (and by that I mean, Everyone), laughed at my silly jokes and most of all, you are the one who has given in much more to our relationship than I have. Its because of you that our relationship is, and will always be so joyful. I maybe doing my part too, but when someone showers you with unconditional love, I'm always angry with myself for not doing that extra bit for you.

It would be an understatement to say that these couple of years have been the best ever. We have travelled a lot, cuddled and wasted days, watched plenty of movies (not upto your standards, but mine!), fought and made up. We have had our ups and down. You've been a boy during our playful times and a gentleman during the serious ones.

Your constant soliloquies about politics, celebrities, sports and the world have often bored me, but I must admit that I'm in awe with your knowledge. Though your elephantine memory cannot remember where in the house we keep our padlock keys or on what occasion you gifted me those crystal earrings, the diversity of information that your brain stores would definitely beat Seagate and Samsung's tetrabytes of memory.

Whenever I ask you if you love me more than you love your parents, your replies are almost instantaneous. Of course, you love me more. You have hardly ever asked me the same question. The once that you did and I swirled my eyes trying to avoid it, you didn't mind. Had you done that to me, I don't think I would have been so nice to you. I do not know how to explain this, but all I can say is, thank you, thank you for all your love.

I love the small things that make our life as good as it can be. The way your eyes sparkle after returning home from a day's long work. The way you tirelessly fulfill my appetite with curd rice and pickle. The way you discuss random stuff with me, things that I don't even give a damn about. The way you joke. The way you sit with me to plan our new home. The way you admit that you ran on the treadmill with your office shoes. The way you laugh with me after ridiculing yourself. The way you hug me and let me curl into the curves of your body. The way you make each day of my life every bit special, just by being there with me, for me.

These past two years of sharing my space, time, love and life with you has truly added meaning to the remaining 22 years that I have spent, without you.

Happy Birthday, once again, my darling.

Ms. Iyer in love.

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